About Me

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My name is Wayne Chamberlain and I'm a geek daddy who is into Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, books, movies, video games and talking to creative people about their work in these mediums. And that's what you'll find here, along with news, previews and reviews. I'm a journalist, an editor and co-host of the Star Wars Book Report podcast. So come on in and feel free to geek out in a fun, friendly environment.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Temporary delay

Hello good readers. Sorry to say I'm going to be taking March off as I'm now in a position where I have to move by April 1. I will be unable to do the type of work I want to do this month while focusing my efforts on securing a place to live and all of that fun stuff. So, once I get settled in a new place (possibly a new city) as of April 1, then I will be back and doing this site the way I had intended to from the beginning.
I apologize for the hiccups. Recent deaths and issues have caused me to re-evaluate things and decide that a change is necessary. Please bear with me and I'll be back and, I promise, better than ever, in April when things have finally settled.
Jedi Aragorn